Friday, December 7, 2018

Blessed beyond belief

Through the ashes, delivered from a life of pain, and hell bound ways precipitated by satan; God saved me, He saved me and set me free, and was kind enough to bless me with an amazing, God fearing, wife that my kids and I love and adore. To God be the glory for setting me free from a relationship and life that was killing me, delivering me from addiction, and planting me on the rock of His word and blessing me with salvation. Just because you are going through a storm, doesn't mean it is the end. If He's bringing you through it, chances are He is going to bless you with strength on the other side. Thank you Jesus for putting the RIGHT people in my life, and removing the wrong people. Today is yet another anniversary for a sinner such as I; a time of re-birth, a time to rejoice in freedom. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul when I didn't think I needed saving.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Preparation meets Opportunity:

Preparation meets Opportunity:
See, I don't believe in LUCK. Luck isn't just about being at the right place at the right time, but also about being open to and ready for new opportunities. Too many times, in the past, I chalked things up to "LUCK" where it was really God using preparation when it met opportunity. Ecclesiastes 9:11 (ESV) say's: "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all." meaning that you don't have to be rich, fast, or wise for preparation to meet opportunity. As I think back, I remember a time when Savannah and I were headed away from Virginia for the LAST time. I was on interstate 81 doing 75 mph, southbound, coming up on a tractor-trailer. I was in the "hammer" lane getting ready to pass the big truck when a flash of red caught my eye from under the trailer. The flash of red was a red car speeding up the on-ramp. Something said that the car isn't going to make it, you need to give the truck room; so I backed off the accelerator. At that moment the car slammed into the front fender of the big rig sending into a spiral across the front bumper of the truck and into my lane. Now, you talk about "Jesus take the wheel" he had it that day! See, the spun around in front of us (mind you, this is at 75 mph), and we could literally SEE the fear of both the passenger and driver in that car; we were that close. The car spun around my car much like you would see a gear move through another gear, but without touching. At the time, I chalked that up to luck, but now, as I reflect - God gave us the opportunity to get out of a bad situation, and he was prepared to see it to the end. So, the next time someone needs a quarter, and you happen to have a quarter, think maybe........ God has you prepared to meet an opportunity. -KV

Friday, August 24, 2018

Armor of God

Discouragement is right around the corner; be strong in your FAITH. Yes, FAITH is tested every single day; and usually when we least expect it, and from those who we thought would not test it. I work with some amazing people, people I rely on to keep me pointed in the right direction always. I have years, and years of experience of doing the wrong things, saying the wrong things, reacting the wrong ways, and thinking the wrong thoughts. But this is a different me, the old is gone and the new me is born. However, I have to stay focused to keep the devil at bay on a regular basis. If you do a job one way for 30 years, it does not necessarily mean you have to keep doing it that way for the next 30. See, doing something wrong for 30 years, doesn’t make it right, it just makes it habitually wrong. Change is not easy, it takes work, but if you continue having FAITH, you can persevere through the trials that will inevitably come. One thing to keep in mind; as you grown in FAITH the devil throws harder and harder struggles your way just to test your FAITH, and trip you up. Remember, Not today devil, Not today……. Put on your helmet of SALVATION, draw your sword of the SPIRIT, raise up your shield of FAITH, throw on your belt of TRUTH, adorn the breast plate of RIGHTEOUSNESS and march forward in the shoes of the GOSPEL – and prepare to FIGHT! Happy FRIDAY! –KV

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

parable of the Flood

A man gets caught by a flood and climbs to the roof and prays to God to deliver him, just then a boat comes by with rescuers in it offering help, and the man refuses stating "God will deliver him from the rooftop." The boat leaves, water rises, and the man climbs higher. Another boat arrives and offers him help, and the man refuses stating "No, God will deliver me from the rooftop." The boat leaves, the water rises higher, and the man climbs to the highest point of the roof. Yet another boat comes by and offers help, and the man refuses stating "No, God will deliver me." The water rises and sweeps the man away, killing him. He arrives in Heaven and asks God, "God, I prayed that you would deliver me, why did you allow me to drown?" And God replied, "I sent you 3 boats, and you refused to get in the boat 3 times." Moral of the story: Don't deny God's hand, his calling, or his help when he uses others to deliver his message ("parable of the Flood, unknown author). #Bereceptive -KV

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My attempt at Poetry

My attempt at Poetry: KV - Be kind 😊

My Time Had Come

The time had come for my life to pass
I'd given in to the broken glass
Shattered dreams were what I had
It was an end to all that's bad

I sat above that golden trigger
I knew quite well what it'd deliver
Mom and Dad were not my care
My family loved but I'd not dare

It's not for them, it's just my time,
Please dear God, change my mind
And then a voice spoke in my ear
"You called my name, and now I'm here"

It Said:
"My son, it's not your choice, it's not your time"
"Put down your gun, you've heard my voice, for you are mine"
"The chains are tight, or so they seem"
"But I'm the one who can redeem"
"Put down your gun, and raise your sword"
"We'll fight this fight, for I am Lord"
"You'll go home, but not tonight"
"for I have come to fight this fight"

But Dear Lord, do I deserve?
I believe in you but have not served
I tried my best, but still I caved
He replied "But now my son,"

-Kenny Verble

Managers Vs. Leaders

Not all managers are good leaders. I can pretty much teach anyone to be a good manager. In a nutshell, management is book smarts, product knowledge, organization, finance, resource management, and adherence to the company’s policy and procedures. As a manager, I don’t need to know about feelings, employee growth, employee relationships, respect, common courtesy, and believe it or not customer satisfaction (that is up to the people on the front line). As a manager, you are concerned with the bottom line, period; what makes money. Leaders are a different story; I can’t teach everyone to be a good leader. Leaders are concerned with feelings, employee growth, employee relationships, employee appreciation, respect, common courtesy, customer satisfaction, and customer appreciation. I can teach the basics……. But do you want to know where the root of a good leader comes from? It’s not the books…… It’s not written in a policy or procedure………. Good leadership comes from a caring HEART, a loving HEART – a respectful SOUL. Want to be a good leader, I have a perfect rule book; it’s called the BIBLE. See, Jesus was/is a good leader, and since one of the best ways to learn is by example, read the BIBLE – there is your policy and procedure. 1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” 1 Peter 5:3 ESV “Not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” See, a manager CAN be a leader, but not all managers are leaders, just like not all leaders are managers. Remember that, write it down, and believe it. Another point to keep in mind, a lot of a LEADERS work is done behind the scenes, and not prideful. –KV

Monday, August 20, 2018

In His time, not our time.

Not everything makes sense, as a matter of fact, I can think of MANY things that do not make ANY sense.  Take for example people who ride my butt down the road in the morning, then pass me at the most inconvenient time (like the gas station is selling its last soft drink) only to meet them at the gas station in a line waiting for a Slurpee. Really? We are all guilty of it I guess, I know I am.  We get in the Bible, we learn new things, we learn of FAITH, we learn of “Gods will” God’s plan, and the gracious gifts that abound when we follow Gods lead; but we’re Not Patient.  We want to get to the gas station quick, we want to be the first in line, we want to get filled up in the spirit first, And we want it NOW. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) says, “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Wait on the Lord……… Ecclesiastes 3 (NKJV) “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven “Everything Has Its Time, a time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.” A time for everything, but everything in his time.  My suggestion is to hurry up and wait! God has a plan, but it’s his plan, and in his time. Patience is the friend of humility and the opponent of pride. “The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit” (Ecclesiastes 7:8). It is the applicable attitude of the man to say, “God is sovereign, and I am not.” And it is not of our own accord, but “the fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22; 5:5). My prayer…. Lord help me to have patience, and not pride; Hope with endurance and Grace with Humility, amen. – KV

Sunday, August 19, 2018

"My Granny" - Amber T.

A post from a friend, Amber T. I am being graciously allowed to share with my followers.  Thank you Amber T. for sharing your strong FAITH.

I typically write a Sunday morning blog, but I don't believe I have seen a struggle put so eloquently in words, and from a friend whom is enduring her own heart break Journey with God at the helm. Thank you for allowing me to share Amber.

"In the past few days I have read this quote over and over trying to figure out why it keeps coming to me. Why am I being drawn to it? Today I figured it out.
The day my granny passed and I was driving in the car I prayed for God to help me understand this. So I started looking up bible verses an this quote wouldn’t get out of my head. See my Granny’s life was filled with so many burdens in the last few years. So many things out of her control. So as I read this

Sorrow may endure for a season, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psa.30:5) Keep your eyes on the Lord! Look forward to Heaven, and it will help you bear some of these burdens and trials that you're going through now when you realise these are only just for a moment! Now you see through a glass darkly, but soon it will all be clear and you'll understand. (1Cor.13:12) God's tomorrow is a beautiful place! You'll be with Jesus and all your loved ones, and no sorrow will be there, praise God! (Rev.21:4)

And it hit me today.
My Granny was ready to lay down her burdens.
And as much as I miss her I know she is at peace now. She may not have always had the perfect answers or been the typical Granny but she was mine and I thank God for the years he let me have with her. Until we meet again Granny, I love you.
Rest In Peace." - Amber T

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Pay it Forward

Paying Kindness Forward, Leading by Example, and showing Humility: Today around lunch time Savannah and I pulled into the Burger King parking lot in time to see an elderly man and his wife making their way (struggling) into the restaurant. He was using a walker, and very independently so, inching his way to the entrance - with much trouble. His wife was helping the best she could, and Savannah jumped and helped with the door. Once in, he made his way towards the men's room. Having my daughter with me, I did not feel comfortable leaving her alone in the restaurant while I assisted him; but there was no need. The young man behind me, obviously on his lunch break, not only helped him into the restroom, the young man stayed with him the entire time while his friend went ahead and ordered. I was so moved by the moment of people working together to assist one of our elders, I (without them knowing) paid for the boy's lunch. This also gave me the opportunity to teach my daughter how one single act of kindness can set off a chain of events that is truly good in Gods eyes. Philippians 2 (NKJV) "Unity Through Humility Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."

Love of My Life

It’s the smile when she’s not looking, the little laugh from across the room, the smirk when she knows she has me right where she wants me; the way she tosses her feet across the floor, the way she shops for nothing in particular. It’s the way she supports me when I am unsure, loves me when I don’t love me, laughs at my jokes, celebrates my accomplishments, and cry’s with me when I am sad. It’s the way she pushes me to be even better, forgives me when I am wrong. It’s looking at her from afar and thinking, “that’s my wife,” it’s the little things she does that drives me crazy, even when she’s mad at me, she’s cute. I love her, I support her, I cherish her, and I appreciate her every single day with me or away. Her name is perfect, she is the Melody in my heart that makes my life complete, and my soul smile. I am so very Blessed God put her in my life –KV

Faith in Gods Time

As believers, we have heard these (NLT); “2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” or “Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” We all know, or should know, being a Christian does not mean prosperity, perfect health, or nights without rest, peace without pain, or triumphs without tribulation. We know this, we have heard this preached behind the pulpit, we may have even seen it on TV, or watched it on Youtube. But do we truly understand it? Do we believe and live it? See, satan worms his way in through these openings, and these trials. Satan nudges us when we least expect it. We can easily return to doing the old behaviors, seeking the old desires, or acting in the old ways; that is what satan wants, he thrives on it. He wants to rip us from the inside out, stripping us of our FAITH, robbing us of our REDEMPTION, and killing our HOPE. Satan depends on us to give in, give up, and go away from Christ. See, I rededicated my life at the altar, I was Baptized in the Church, but God SAVED ME on a bed in Southeast Missouri Hospital. So, I have to remember that he took me to the brink of death to save me, he broke me to fix me, and he showed me the END so that I could BEGIN AGAIN. Yes, I too have my trials – and sometimes I can see myself slip, and I have to be reminded (usually through a talk with God through prayer, or reading scripture) that temptations are a normal part of my walk with Christ; it’s how we react to these temptations that can separate you and I from Gods path.

Be a Peacemaker

How many times do we let someone steal our light? Affect our day? How many times do we allow one word from one person spoil our mood for the entire day, while they continue on like nothing happened? If I gave you 100 dollars, would you throw it all away because of one tarnished penny? Probably not. So then why do we let something we can’t control, control us? Scripture has a lot to say on the topic of PEACE. For instance: John 16:33 (NKJV) says “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” You don’t blame the curb when you stub your toe on it, and you don’t chop off your foot because your sock has a hole in it, do you? Then why treat your friend as a stranger because of how someone or something else has made you feel? Is it your friends fault? Is it your co-workers fault? Is it the dogs fault? Your kids fault? Your wife’s fault? No. See, I know it sounds strange, and maybe even a little “farfetched,” but when you have Christ in your life, and someone comes at you with negativity; you have everything you need to fight the attack, and you have no need to project negativity onto others. God gives us PEACE, and he speaks to that PEACE through scripture, you only need listen. Colossians 3:15 (NKJV) “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Easy right? WRONG. This is not easy, it’s not even natural! But it’s the way God wants us to act. I’m not saying be naive, soft, or even submissive; I am saying be kind. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NKJV) “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;” It was never promised to us that walking the walk with God would be easy; it’s not for the faint of heart, and it’s a lot easier to lash out. Restraint is strength. And besides all of that……….. it REALLY irritates people, who are snarky, when you say…… “Awwwwww, I’m gonna say a little prayer for you.” -KV

The Fog

I wake up this morning and outside I see fog. I remember a time when I woke up to a fog every morning, not so thankful I lived to see another day. Yes, there was a time when the fog was not just a mere inconvenience; it was a way of life. Much like the sun comes out and lifts the fog from the face of the earth, God came into my heart and lifted the fog from my life. He lifted the fog and filled it full of life (either sun or rain – it’s all a part of his plan). So when I see fog now, it is a reminder of what was, and what is no more, a time when the fog was never-ending. I am blessed he kept me around to see another foggy day, but I am also glad to know – this fog will pass, and a new day will begin walking in his light. –KV Have a blessed day!

Let Your Light Shine

As we age things change, people change, views change, landscape changes, and the people we surround ourselves with change. With that in mind; be mindful that everything, and everyone, you come in contact with, you have a chance to influence (inspire/motivate or discourage) or change. If given the chance, and only one chance, be motivating, encouraging, loving, and understanding, and invoke positive change. I mean, why not choose to be positive in a mostly negative world. See, much like the news we see on TV daily; focusing on the negative is easy, anyone can do it, and they do. Being encouraging is work, but good work. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT) “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” Now, don’t get me wrong, there are instances where you have to struggle to find a positive word; and even if that word is “I’ll have to pray about that,” then let it be known that you have at least open yourself up to the influence of positivity and power of prayer. Life is too short to be grumpy all the time, open the door and let some light in your life, then share that light with those surrounding you. Matthew 5:16 (NLT) “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” – at least this is how I view things (pretty sure this is what Jesus would do), KV

Thank You Jesus!

The “Thank you Jesus Challenge.” Today we see all kinds of strange/stupid challenges, the Tide Pod challenge, the Ki Ki challenge, and the cinnamon challenge; so I came up with my own challenge and tried it out to test its performance. EVERY TIME you get something, anything…… change, parking spot, find a certain item in the store, someone opens a door for you, anything and everything, look up to the sky (maybe even point casually) and say “THANK YOU JESUS” look at the first person that took notice and smile, maybe even give a wink, and keep on going as if this was your normal. You are going to get ALL KINDS of reactions (if you come to Lifeway – you’ll probably make a friend). Some will look at you like you are crazy, some may smile back, some will even say AMEN!, and some may even get a little offended, but you know what, you stopped them for a second and made them think about JESUS, and what better challenge could you take upon yourself as to introduce someone to your GOD. How horrible, right? People everywhere thanking Jesus! What a world it would be if only half of the people who read this took the “THANK YOU JESUS” challenge. But then again, it may be a little too difficult for you…………………………….. There’s always Tide Pods. –KV

All Have Sinned

Well, I ran into an old friend today. He hadn’t changed much, a bit older, a little faded looking, as thin as I remember. I looked at him and noticed he wasn’t smiling much, he seemed a little sad, but I remember he had a good heart; he just needed a little guidance. I can remember hearing him say how lonely he was, how lost he had become, and how he did not really fit in anywhere, or with anyone. I knew he was depressed in the past, and his outlook on life was not very positive; kind of a sad soul with a smile on the outside, but crying on the inside. I know he used to pray, but I can remember him praying more about worldly things rather than spiritual things. His quantity of friends was more important to him than the quality of the friendship. I had to smirk at him, and think, “you know life is much better living in Christ.” I wanted to shake him and tell him I wished he would snap out of it, It was going to be okay, he would find Christ, and Christ would find him; and life would be everything he desired in his heart. Then it came time to let him go…. See, he was a Christian man, but not necessarily a God fearing man. He had a good heart, but he put it towards pleasing man, and not pleasing God. It was nice to see him, but it was also nice to see him go. Sometimes I miss him, the young him, but I would not want to be him that day. And then I put the old picture of myself away. You know, I find it amazing to look at pictures of myself and know where I was, who I wanted to be but did not know how to be that way. I knew people were happy, and I wanted that too……. Interestingly enough, I thought happiness came from a paycheck, acceptance, a multitude of friends, and not from a price that had already been paid long before I was born, and on the cross. I can’t express enough to people who seem lost, how much joy can be found through trusting, and following God; walking by Faith in him, and praising him. Things I thought were impossible, are simple; parts of my life that seem crazy, make sense; relationships that seem trying, are only growing stronger. Romans 3:23-26 (NIV) “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[a] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.” I pray my pictures today show the life and light of Jesus Christ through me, and I pray I share, and demonstrate that God’s GRACE is as life transforming for everyone, as much as it has been for me. –KV

Closed Doors

Ever arrive at a store before it is open, and the door is locked? Ever looked through that door and saw people moving around, but they don't come and open the door? God works in much the same manner. God opens some doors, and some doors are locked even though others are moving around on the inside. My advice........ If you come to a door, and God did not lead you there, and the door is locked; leave the door shut and locked; don't rattle the door, knock on the door in vain, don't try to find a key to unlock it, and please don't force your way through it (that's not God's timing). The door is closed and locked for a reason. Sometimes, you arrived too early, sometimes what is on the other side is being prepared for you, and sometimes the store is just closed for business. This is one of my biggest struggles. I always wanted to push my way through doors that God had locked; and I paid dearly when i made it in. Same way with re-building your life once you have given everything to God. It is a challenge for people understand that the "old you" is dead and gone, and only the "new you" remains. If you are not accepted for the "new you" and only judged by who you were, no amount of persuasion is going to change their mind; leave that door locked, it is that way for a reason. Your change will be seen in your actions, and not your words. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Brick Walls

If God tells you to turn right, you turn right; and when you do if your facing a brick wall, just hold tight – he might be getting ready to show you how to bring it to its knees. Be patient, everything is in Gods time, not our time. If he brings you to it, he’s gonna bring you through it……………. And on the other side, blessings abound.

Never Give Up

I get asked, from time to time, if I am planning on becoming a minister; and I can honestly say that “I don’t really know from day to day where God will lead me. But if that is the direction, then so shall it be.” I do know this……. Every once in a while I get this little voice inside of me that says: “write about this, or write about that, or someone needs to hear this, or you should talk about God here.” I also know that I have never felt this way before in my entire life, this full of Christ. Take today for example. I have this burning desire to tell someone “DON’T GIVE UP!” That’s right, just don’t give up. No matter how hard the trouble is, see it through to the end and you will be blessed. And there it is……. Is that message for me? Possibly….. I know I get down on myself from time to time, and wonder what I am doing; and then I think “Walk by FAITH.” But does everyone else know what it means to walk by FAITH? So, here it is. When God says “tell someone, DON’T GIVE UP!” I don’t question it, I don’t wonder who it is, or why should I write that…….. I come straight home and write it. See, I quit doing everything “I” thought was the right thing to do (Kenny’s way), and started doing things the way I thought GOD would want me to do them. I don’t give up anymore. Another example: I have this burning desire to start a Bible study in my hometown for whomever wants to join in; and when I run the idea past some of my local friends and say to them, “I am going to do a bible study in September, what do you think?” And I get the reply, “you should, it’s is a great idea.” And it’s not “I am thinking about starting one,” it’s I am GOING to start one, in September. What is the subject? I don’t have a clue! I will know it when God shows it to me (hopefully soon, I already have the location booked, lol) – THAT’S FAITH. It is SOOOOOO easy to take the high road, and say “I can’t do this, I can’t stop, this is not for me, I can’t handle this, or there is no way that will ever get done.” That’s Satan talking, that is him pulling at our FAITH, him telling us that we are incapable of accomplishing greatness, and it’s just not true. You can do this, you can do it because God has his hand on it. You may not see it at the time; but it’s there in every single situation. JUST DON’T GIVE IN, OR GIVE UP! –KV

When The Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough, the tough hand it to God. Yep, I said it! Lord knows I was capable of shouting out in anger and frustration, throwing my hands up and saying “I quit.” I was the worlds worst at claiming the victim role, and placing blame where ever I could sit it other than right square in front of me. But, was that the Godly thing to do? No. Does that make me any less of a Christian? Not really. No, it’s not what Jesus would have done, but I am being molded by God daily, and I learn daily, and I improve daily, I am not as good as I want to be, but I am better than I was yesterday. Yes, I like to give advice about things I have experience with; but it is with heart, and conscious that I do so. See, I have lived a life I don’t suggest for others, and through me someone may be able to avoid the mistakes I made. I like to tell people like this: There are 3 ways to learn. 1) (A good way to learn) You can be taught – your teacher, professor, etc…. can teach you how to do or not do something, accomplish something, or figure something out. 2) (A better way to learn) Experience, try it, do it, fail at it, succeed at it, try it again, make it better, whatever you have to do to learn it, but this involves a lot of risk, and many trials. 3) (the most efficient way) Learn from someone else who has experienced it, someone who has tried and failed, then succeeded, maybe they never succeeded and you can improve upon it, but learn it through someone else’s experience and you won’t have to repeat their mistakes. My biggest mistake, not learning from my mistakes, not listening to others who had been down the same path --------- Thinking I was in control of my life, living for ME, taking the high road for my sake, avoiding the broken road for safety sake, flying under the radar to not be seen. I had to be broken to be made, stretched to capacity to bounce back, hurt to be healed, and rejected to be redeemed. It doesn’t have to work like that for everyone. So, if you find any comfort in my words, or take any suggestions from someone who lived at rock bottom, if given the chance………………………………. Give it to God, because through Him; ALL things are possible.


So today I want to talk about buckets. Yes buckets. See, I think one of the today’s issues is we have buckets for everybody. White people bucket, black people bucket, foreign people bucket, and those buckets have buckets, white trash, black thugs, poor, rich, mean, nice, hypocrite, addict, depressed, anxious, Christian, atheist, radical, wild, etc……... Now, every time we meet someone, or someone meets us, we are put into a bucket based on the first impression – whether we fit in the bucket or not (doesn’t matter what kind of day we’ve had). And…… we can’t change the bucket people put us into; only they can change the bucket they put you into. So, if someone’s first impression of you is that you are an uneducated cashier, you go into the uneducated cashier bucket to stay until THEY change your bucket! You see what I am driving at? You also have a bucket for yourself. It’s the only bucket you CAN change. You can re-label your own personal bucket at any time, change it, color it, give it a new personality; you are in control of your own personal bucket – it’s yours. Today, I was made aware of my bucket, the bucket someone else put me into, a bucket I don’t necessarily belong in, but I am okay with it. You know, God doesn’t have buckets, he has a great big WASH TUB, and EVERYONE goes in the wash tub. When it comes time, he reaches in, plucks someone out, and stamps their passport “Bound for Amazing Grace” or “Destiny for Eternal Damnation.” Imagine if we got rid of the buckets we put people in; I don’t mean be naive, but be open to learn about someone before tossing them into a bucket. I absolutely LOVE working at the Book Store, I meet so many interesting people; and many interesting people meet me – some take the time to get to know me; and others toss me into a bucket and treat me accordingly. Thank the Lord for his GREAT BIG Wash Tub of redemption.

Hate and Hurt

I had a great day today, but I come home to take a peek at Facebook and I see hate, hurt, sickness, deceit, and anger – I also see some encouragement, but not as much as the other. Those that know me well know that I spent the better part of 10 years working at a funeral home as a funeral director. I can’t tell you how many times I heard these words: I wish I would have said……. If I could have only spoken to him/her one more time…….. I never had the chance to tell them how I really felt……… I can’t believe their gone…….. This is such a shock……… I wish I could have given them a hug…….. I didn’t even know they had a problem……. He/she didn’t seem depressed……. Our last words were not good…….. Only on rare occasions did I see a family celebrating their loved ones life, acknowledging how strong their faith was, and how they knew their loved one was walking with angles, and dancing through the gates of Heaven; but those were the family’s I still know, and have contact with today, 20 years later. Many, many people were put in their last resting place to Psalm 23 (KJV) “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Trust me when I say, “life is too short to let someone steal your light. TODAY, NOW…. Glow, and glorify God to the highest, and walk the path of the righteous. It will do you well to live your life to the fullest and LOVE as often as you can. Share your light where it is most needed and let hate go to the wayside. Walk by FAITH. In the end we all go back to dust from which we came, and your judgment will not be by your peers on earth, but by the Incorruptible, Infallible, Immune, Inspiring, Ideal, Impeccable, Immaculate, [Innocent] Important, Impressive, Influential, Insightful, Impassioned, The GREAT I AM. Eventually, everyone’s story ends here on earth” –KV

Faith, Hope, Love

You’re past doesn’t have to be a bad thing; it can be a good “bad” thing……. if that make sense? I’ll break it down. Let’s say there is a particular part of my past that I am not proud of, but the fact that I am not proud of it drives me to do better and not repeat that “chapter/mistake”, thus making a bad part of my past a good life lesson, right – that’s not a bad thing. I used to avoid the past like the black plague; like I had been known to stroll the power tools in Wal-Mart to avoid someone from my past that is lurking in the camping section. Anyone who knows me, knows if I am in the power tools, I am probably lost…. Today it’s different. I don’t live in the past, I embrace it, I own it; I don’t have to repeat it, or dwell on it, but it’s mine, and as much as some claim to be a part of it (negative/positive), I am the one who LIVED it. I saw a young man today I have known most all of my life, and I have always considered a friend. 3 or 4 years ago I might have hid to avoid being seen, but today was different. I saw this friend for what was on the inside, and not for what I assumed he thought about me and my past. At first I thought “he knows me, he is well aware of my past; but will he accept me for who I am today?” Then he called me brother, and I got all misty eyed. We chatted briefly, but I could tell that he “saw” me, the today me, the re-born me; the Christ follower I intend to be. On his way out he yelled “I love you,” and he’ll never know the impact those 3 little words had on my soul. Guess what? I am proud of me today, I am proud of who I am, who I am becoming; I am living for the Great I AM. So, no……. The past is not always a bad thing; it is a good place to measure where you were against where you are. 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NLT), “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” And so it is, just as it is written. –KV

A Closed Mind

Sometimes I read a post on Facebook that is so "CLOSE MINDED" I say to myself: "Man, I can't wait to get home and respond, and really let that sucker have it!" Then I get home, sit at my computer and let the words flow. You wanna know what came out tonight in response? ........................ Nothing! I had absolutely NOTHING to say. You know why? Because sometimes NOTHING is the best thing to say to someone whose mind is closed. See, God has a way of showing someone the light, and he can do that without my assistance at all. So, there you go! Sometimes God guides my hand to write, and sometimes he stops it!

Job Opening

I went to church with my parents Sunday, and it was a very blessed day. We learned how God used imperfect people to accomplish extraordinary things. We took a brief tour of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph’s life, and saw how they had sinned, how they struggled, but also how they continued to have faith. I had to chuckle a little at the fact that God used imperfect people to make such accomplishments, because I must be in for a HUGE blessing, LOL! See, a lot of times people view themselves as being better because they are a Christian, and the truth is being a Christian means you are striving to be better, you are walking in FAITH, and using your FAITH to bring others closer to God. It’s not “I got saved, I got baptized, now I’m good.” Christianity doesn’t work like that. It’s more like, “I was rescued by God, I professed my faith through Baptism, and now I surrender my life to serve as God sees he sees fit; I am born again, all is new.” See, with Christianity does not come comfort, times don’t get easier, and challenges don’t disappear; they grow….. I remember a time, still a Christian mind you, I prayed every night that God would spare me the pain of living, and deliver me from this life I was assuredly messing up. He did not answer that prayer. Now, I pray that God will continue to mold me into the man I am supposed to be, the man he wants me to be, and guide my words so they reach the ears they are intended for. I am gracious every single day that God did not answer my prayer, I am glad He is able to use the imperfect people to do extraordinary things (I fit right in), and it makes my heart smile to see God working in others. So, if you’re not perfect, if you don’t have your life together, if everything seems to be falling apart, God has a job opening with your name on it, a walk of FAITH, all you have to do is claim it. –KV

Bring You Through

Well, I finally got ALL the way through the book of Genesis; I took, and passed, all 4 exams including the final exam, watched 22 video lessons, read Creation Compromises and The Global Flood of Noah, only to learn I have to "Choose a person in Genesis then write a paper detailing his/her life.Include at the end of your paper three or more lessons which can be learned from his/her life." I am going to be as old as Methuselah (~969 years) before I am done. This is more in-depth than my MBA. LOL - and probably longer.


This is the fifth time in 24 hours I have seen “FRIENDSHIP” posts cross my radar (including my own), and I felt like it was important to “talk about the elephant in the room.” Friends are crucial in life. However, the older a person becomes the more appreciated the friendship becomes. Many friends are closer than siblings to each other. There is truly something special about having a friend around to tell your inner most thoughts too, someone you can share your life with. Proverbs 27:10 says, “Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family.” And, Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Also, We can outgrow friends, friends can go in different directions in life, friends can adopt different values, and beliefs that are not true to our own. Friends can change, just like we can change. Let’s face it, my values today are different than my values of a few years ago. Then there is the time we have to let a friend go because no matter how much hope we hang onto, and how hard we try not to accept it, the people we used to call friends, just are not our friends anymore (hurts, but it's a fact of life). I’m very lucky…….. I have been blessed to have many many friends. They are not all the same, we don’t always see each other, we don’t agree on everything, we may not even have the same views; but they’re still my friends – if you are reading this; I probably put you in the friend category, if you’re not reading this, it’s because I practice what I write. PS, just because someone smiles at you and calls you friend, doesn’t mean they’re your friend, it just means they are friendly (HUGE DIFFERENCE).

Put Back Together

And when he does, it will drive the other people crazy knowing what they threw away, what they disposed of, what they did not appreciate.  They won't be able to believe it, but it's happening right in front of them. They'll be obsessive, hateful, spiteful, they will lie, they will cheat, they will do every thing they can to disrupt it, but they WILL fail.  See, they will fail because it's God's plan for you, not their plan, and they are not above God.  They will get the chance to wallow in the Hell they created, as God will see the truth for what it is, and not for what they have dreamed up, or told others. People will begin to turn on them because they will see through their wickedness, they will be persecuted on earth before they reach Hell to be persecuted for the rest of their death.  If they have denied the Holy Spirit, or worshiped idols, there is no forgiveness for them, as Blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin. Don't forgive them, turn your back on them, just as Jesus had to turn his back on the rich man who would not sell his belongings and follow him, the way they did you, as their place in Hell awaits. Matthew 12:31-32 (ESV) "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." Revelations 21:8 "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” Keep on being put back together by God, and blessings will abound! Sometime we have to be Broken to be Healed, Shattered to be Saved, Rejected to be Redeemed, and Persecuted to Prevail!

Let Me Introduce You To My God

Let me introduce you to my God. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, His reach is as far as the East is from the West, and as far as the North is from the South. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and no one, NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. He can speak life from dust, and turn life back to dust from where it came. He is the Almighty, the Never-ending, all Encompassing, He is Eternity, Immensity, Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omniscience, and the Great I AM. His power is Awesome, and unmatchable. THAT, is my God. If for some reason someone believes you need their forgiveness, approval, or blessing to get into heaven, and they are not God; lead them to scripture and teach them truth. Psalm 51 (NLT) that begins with “O God, favor me because of YOUR (GOD) loving-kindness. Take away my wrong-doing because of the greatness of YOUR (GOD) loving-pity. Wash me inside and out from my wrong-doing and make me clean from my sin. For I know my wrong-doing, and my sin is always in front of me. I have sinned against YOU (GOD), and YOU (GOD) only. I have done what is sinful in YOUR (GOD) eyes. YOU (GOD) are always right when YOU (GOD) speak, and fair when YOU (GOD) judge.” Any questions?

First Anniversary

On November 28, 2016 I met an amazing woman who would end up standing beside me, loving me, and giving me a reason to become the best man, friend, and father I could be. On January 26, 2017 I asked this woman to become my bride, and allow me to spend the rest of my life pining for her, chasing her, loving her, and trying to make her the happiest woman on the earth; and she said yes. On July 22, 2017 we would exchange vows written by my little sister for us: “Kenneth and Melody have found one another on the broken road of life. Together, they complete each other.” And so we do. It was by God’s Grace that I met this woman at a time in my life I had all but given up on everything, including myself. She picked me up, dusted me off, and decided there was enough left over, from the pieces, she could save me and her at the same time. We fuss, we fight, we even give each other dirty looks from time to time; but at the end of the day, we still love each other. She keeps me pointed in the right direction, always encouraging me to be better than I was the day before, and I try to do the same for her. “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT) Happy Anniversary Melody Verble, I love you always.

Life Stories

Funny thing about stories, we all have one. Good chapters, bad chapters, short chapters, and long chapters, but their all OUR stories. My story changed a while ago; and some think for the better, some indifferent, and some to their disbelief. Needless-to-say, it changed, and I changed, and I believe the change makes God happy. Yes, I still get down, I still let people get to me, I cry when no one is looking, and I get as mad as hell, but I keep writing my story because God tells me to. Yesterday, my story took an unexpected turn I wasn’t prepared for; I was caught off guard, and as badly as I wanted to throw my hands up and give up (old thinking); I reached down deep inside of me and tried to stay positive (new thinking). See, some people come in our lives for a paragraph, some for a chapter, some even stay for most of the book, but every once in a while you meet someone who is there just to teach you a lesson and leave, someone to learn from, and grow from, and move on. It’s hard to see it at the time, and yes, it hurts like hell, but it is necessary in order to grow. Today, I am content to turn the page, and put that in the history section. I move forward by the Grace of God, I harbor no ill will, I do not hate, but I will not re-write history.

Be careful what you pray for....

So, this morning I woke up in a bit of a funk, I was pretty bummed really. It just seems like I could do more. I love working with people, I enjoy studying the Bible, and I love blogging, but there just seems like there is something more. A little later the phone rings. See, a couple of weeks ago I filled out an application for a Christian bookstore; I never really thought I would get a call.... I mean, any place I have applied to tells me "you're overqualified" and that's the end of it. I know what my qualifications are; I don't believe in being overqualified! I answer the phone and it's Lifeway Christian Bookstore wanting to set up an interview. 3 hours later, I am the newest addition to Lifeway Christian Bookstore! Be careful what you pray for, you might get it!

Duck ICU

I have duck in ICU (Intensive Cup Unit) tonight. Poor little guy. He's ate, rehydrated and now being kept still for the remainder of the night. I am hopeful for a full recovery in a couple of days. He's 1 week old, and since I had to rescue him from outside, in the lightning, I think he'll be known as STORMY.

The Storm

God doesn't make you comfortable in a storm; he makes you stronger on the other side. Embrace your storm, just because things are broken in your life, doesn't mean you can't survive. "Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is (unknown author)"...... KV

Friday, July 13, 2018

Let it Go!, And Grow in Christ!

Wow! I just came to a revelation! A subject has been consuming my thoughts for almost a week now.  I have allowed it to eat up hours of my life in thought, and have not been able to think about anything else.  Someone was wronged, and it absolutely infuriates me!  First my topic was going to be on “being kind,” then I switched to a more psychological approach and was going to touch on “narcissism.” I had even thought about going biblical and quoting, then examining scripture.  While reviewing my Christian counseling books I opened a page with big bold letters and you know what it said? LET IT GO! Whoa…… I think I am getting this “stuff.” LET IT GO, AND LET GOD! Okay, I admit, this is not my typical response, or past response, but that’s what it is today. LET IT GO! Now I am a bit angry at myself…….. There is no telling how much time I gave this person, but God was working on ME, not them! WOW, just WOW! They’ll never listen to reason, so maybe they will listen to GOD!  So, keep in mind I’m growing in FAITH, here is my prayer. 

Lord, please show this individual a path to righteousness, give them kindheartedness, and understanding, show them a way of treating others the way they would like to be treated, we know that you did not allow exceptions in the bible for being unkind Lord, so please keep your hand on them during this transformation because we know it is your way, and not the way of the world, and God, please keep your hand on my friend, because TODAY they grow in their faith, through the example you have made me, Amen…………

It is good having a connection to the man upstairs, and I move another step forward.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

There's a better life.

When did productivity replace passion?  Really? When did we get so caught up in being popular
that we forgot about being kind or compassionate? When did nurturing our career surpass nurturing each other? I know big corporate business, I’ve seen every elbow rubbing, nepotism, “best friend” promoting, layoff sidestepping, self-serving agenda making, job category reorganization, backstabbing, ego boasting, idea stealing, metric altering, survey tampering, bunch of bull crap a large organization can throw at an individual.  Personally, I have been pretty darn successful in life working the ole corporate ladder; but you know what I talk the most about?  My shortcomings…… Why on earth would anyone want to do that?  I can tell you why…. All above mentioned methods to get to the top will never make one ounce of positive change in someone else’s life. They’re never going to look back and say, “you know, that Bob was the best corporate ass I’ve ever known.” Or “Man, that John sure knew how to kiss a butt.” Or how about, “that Susan sure was a hard ass; her ass chewing’s changed my life.” Nope.  So, I take my biggest shortcoming and advertise it! I OWN it! And maybe, just maybe, someone will someday look back at me and think, “You know, that Kenny was an honest guy. He battled alcoholism and loved the Lord; he treated everyone equal, but spoke his mind, and he never pretended to be better than what he was.” No, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea; that’s for sure. But at the end of the day, I can look back and say, “I made that person smile, I listened when someone spoke, I shared a bit of the gospel as I understand it, I tried to make a difference in someone else’s life.”

Folks, that’s livin from reject to redemption…….. Get on board, or get out of the way. KV


The songs title is “Ever Be” sang by Bethel Music, and written by Kalley Heilignethal is an Christian inspirational song that leads the singer over a melody of praising God by reminding us that his name should “ever be” on our lips.  But, it’s much deeper than that when you think about the words that make up this rocking Christian hit. The song speaks of a love like a ring of solid gold (never ending circle), love that is enduring through trials and tribulations, love that is faithful…….. The song continues by telling us the benefits of keeping his name on our lips, in our voice, and in our lives.  He makes us whole, shoulders our weakness, and strengthens us by lifting us up from the ashes of our lives, and dressing us in his light.  Kalley speaks about how the words just “fell out of her mouth.” Afterward, though, the Lord spoke to her about the song and that is when the real journey began. (Church Leaders, 2016 After a year, and a notebook full of writing towards this final song, she turn out a hit that show us how, no matter what battle we may be enduring, what path we may be on, or what trial we may be up against; God is good, is
always there, and his praise is ever on our lips.  I have to lift her up on how she came about this song as I listen to it.  This hasn’t always been the case in my life; but it is today.  I love to enjoy life, I love to laugh, I don’t try to take life too seriously – there are plenty of people out there that are eaten up with that.  Rather, I praise God for the gifts I receive, the prayers answered, and even the prayers that go unanswered.  His praise will truly ever be on my lips, just ask me…….

Friday, July 6, 2018

Be careful how you judge.

     I often hear the phrase, “That child is so honest” or “That little one is just so loving.” Well, the truth of the matter is that the child has not had the experiences in life that an adult has had to compare circumstances with.  When we meet someone as adults; a crowd of people, or someone we don’t know, our brains immediately draw from past experiences and what we have been taught or told, and then makes a determination about how we are going to respond based on those past experiences, and learned behavior.  I wonder if we recognized that we were going to automatically make this decision based on the past, what we have been told or taught, and made a conscious effort not to make this determination, what would happen?  I mean, if we saw people for who they are today, and not for what they wear, who they “were,” what they drive, how many rings they had on their fingers, if they were a former alcoholic, or former drug addict, how would we respond to them?.......... It makes a difference.  People can change, people are not what they wear, people are not their past, people are not always what we are told, or what we are taught.  I wonder if we were nice to everyone FIRST, leaving out any noise from what we have been taught, told, or see; how many interesting personalities we would get to know?  Now, I’m not saying everyone is nice, and I am not saying that what you are being told is wrong, Lord knows there are people out there we don’t need in our lives. I am just saying give them a chance…………. You never know. Luke 6:37-38, NLT says: ““Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Just take a quick peek at the picture.  Do you see a man who is lost, battling addiction, just came out of a horrific marriage, and was laid off from a good job?  Do you see someone who is unhappy, done with life, at the end of his rope, and doesn't believe going on is a option?  Do you notice that behind that smile, there is someone crying for help, uncertain what what the future holds, or what he could have done different? Or do you see a friend, a person you once knew, someone that has been away for a long time that may be different than the young man that moved away?  Be careful when you judge based on what you have heard, what you have been told, or on what the person has done in the past.  You never know when it's going to be your turn to be judged. KV

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Ever ask yourself, what if?  What if I would have taken that job? What if I were thinner? What if I would have continued my education? What if I never picked up that first drink, or did that first drug? What if I had never met him or her? What if…………? Truth is, we can ask ourselves, what if, about every decision we’ve ever made throughout life; but what does that accomplish?  We begin questioning ourselves, our actions, our lives, our goals, and our future.  We tug at the very seams of the fabric that holds us together, and that is faith.  Somewhere along the way we lost faith in ourselves; we listened to society and believed we had to look a certain way, act a certain way, earn a certain amount of money, have this number of children, be married to this type of person, have the perfect career and never ever be alone.  We lost sight of happiness, we let go of our dreams, and we followed what everyone else thought we should be, and not what we wanted to be. We stopped being comfortable in our own skin, and forgot how to love ourselves for who we are, and who God wanted us be.  If someone would have asked me 10 years ago where I thought I would be today; I would have been mistaken.  Life is not over because we made a bad decision, it’s not over because a relationship didn’t work out, and it’s not over because we became addicted to something, only God knows when it is over.  
      Personally, I had a very difficult time with not being in control, coming to doors closed, and seeing plans fail, but I had to look at closed doors and failures as blessings rather than setbacks.  I made plenty of mistakes along the road, but I have many life lessons that can be passed on to others in similar predicaments.  So, what if my road were different?  Well, it would be pretty hard to convince an addict not to use drugs; it would be difficult discussing how there is hope in the midst of depression, how God can ease anxiety, and how life can be found in loss. No, I don’t ask “what if” anymore, I trust in God’s plan, even when I don’t understand it (that’s FAITH).  I mean, “what if” it all works out? KV

Friday, June 29, 2018

A warm, heartfelt, HUG to tell someone you love them, and you see them

You know, even someone who is in the business of staying positive has difficulties, at times, staying positive.  Sometimes I wonder if what I do is worth it, is it touching the right people, am I targeting the right crowd; and then the phone rings, a message comes across, or a text breaks in.  I have to believe it does, I have to tell myself that I make a difference no matter how difficult the day gets.  Geeze, this staying positive stuff is WORK.  The bible reads: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV) Easier said than done right?  Today I saw a friend, a true kind spirit, and her heart was broken from losing someone she loved.  I had no words of inspiration for her, nothing I could say could ease her pain, no quotes of scripture could shadow the inner hurt she had.  The only thing I could offer her was a hug, no words, just a hug to convey I love you, I am thinking about you, I see your pain.  I told her I was sorry, and I left just as quickly as I came.  I know and love this family; they have been some of the nicest people to me growing up; and I will miss this person even though we had not spoken in months.  So, when you think all is lost, when you think that your pain is unbearable and you hate to continue on, please think again.  Today was not guaranteed yesterday, and tomorrow is not guaranteed today. And then I think, “you know…………… sometimes there are no words for a situation, sometimes nothing needs to be said, the problem can’t be resolved in text, or through experience, sometimes the best answer is a reassuring, heartfelt HUG.”

PS – I am a hugger, so if you’re in the vicinity, and I haven’t seen you in a while,{{}}

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Thank you ALL.

      I just want Thank, collectively, everyone who sent me birthday wishes this year.  I am very grateful to have so many friends who took a little piece of their time, and spent it on me.  I will be the first to admit, I have not always celebrated my birthday, and was in a place in my life 3 years ago, I dreaded the event even come around.  It is amazing how sooo very many positive things have happened in my life since then.  I rededicated my life to Christ, got baptized, my friends have grown exponentially, Kaleidoscope has its own faithful followers, I married the most amazing woman, I am closer to my family, I have a yard full of ducks, chickens, turkey’s and geese, and I enjoy every single day, doing what I do.  Yes, I may be a year older, I may be a little slower moving, but I haven’t stopped living, and today I have more to be grateful for than I ever have had.  I can’t imagine where I would have been had God not delivered me from evil 3 years ago, and he still works on me today.  Older? How about “more experienced at life and love.” And I’m just getting started………………………………….