Sunday, August 19, 2018

"My Granny" - Amber T.

A post from a friend, Amber T. I am being graciously allowed to share with my followers.  Thank you Amber T. for sharing your strong FAITH.

I typically write a Sunday morning blog, but I don't believe I have seen a struggle put so eloquently in words, and from a friend whom is enduring her own heart break Journey with God at the helm. Thank you for allowing me to share Amber.

"In the past few days I have read this quote over and over trying to figure out why it keeps coming to me. Why am I being drawn to it? Today I figured it out.
The day my granny passed and I was driving in the car I prayed for God to help me understand this. So I started looking up bible verses an this quote wouldn’t get out of my head. See my Granny’s life was filled with so many burdens in the last few years. So many things out of her control. So as I read this

Sorrow may endure for a season, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psa.30:5) Keep your eyes on the Lord! Look forward to Heaven, and it will help you bear some of these burdens and trials that you're going through now when you realise these are only just for a moment! Now you see through a glass darkly, but soon it will all be clear and you'll understand. (1Cor.13:12) God's tomorrow is a beautiful place! You'll be with Jesus and all your loved ones, and no sorrow will be there, praise God! (Rev.21:4)

And it hit me today.
My Granny was ready to lay down her burdens.
And as much as I miss her I know she is at peace now. She may not have always had the perfect answers or been the typical Granny but she was mine and I thank God for the years he let me have with her. Until we meet again Granny, I love you.
Rest In Peace." - Amber T

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