Friday, June 29, 2018

A warm, heartfelt, HUG to tell someone you love them, and you see them

You know, even someone who is in the business of staying positive has difficulties, at times, staying positive.  Sometimes I wonder if what I do is worth it, is it touching the right people, am I targeting the right crowd; and then the phone rings, a message comes across, or a text breaks in.  I have to believe it does, I have to tell myself that I make a difference no matter how difficult the day gets.  Geeze, this staying positive stuff is WORK.  The bible reads: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV) Easier said than done right?  Today I saw a friend, a true kind spirit, and her heart was broken from losing someone she loved.  I had no words of inspiration for her, nothing I could say could ease her pain, no quotes of scripture could shadow the inner hurt she had.  The only thing I could offer her was a hug, no words, just a hug to convey I love you, I am thinking about you, I see your pain.  I told her I was sorry, and I left just as quickly as I came.  I know and love this family; they have been some of the nicest people to me growing up; and I will miss this person even though we had not spoken in months.  So, when you think all is lost, when you think that your pain is unbearable and you hate to continue on, please think again.  Today was not guaranteed yesterday, and tomorrow is not guaranteed today. And then I think, “you know…………… sometimes there are no words for a situation, sometimes nothing needs to be said, the problem can’t be resolved in text, or through experience, sometimes the best answer is a reassuring, heartfelt HUG.”

PS – I am a hugger, so if you’re in the vicinity, and I haven’t seen you in a while,{{}}

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