Tuesday, July 10, 2018

There's a better life.

When did productivity replace passion?  Really? When did we get so caught up in being popular
that we forgot about being kind or compassionate? When did nurturing our career surpass nurturing each other? I know big corporate business, I’ve seen every elbow rubbing, nepotism, “best friend” promoting, layoff sidestepping, self-serving agenda making, job category reorganization, backstabbing, ego boasting, idea stealing, metric altering, survey tampering, bunch of bull crap a large organization can throw at an individual.  Personally, I have been pretty darn successful in life working the ole corporate ladder; but you know what I talk the most about?  My shortcomings…… Why on earth would anyone want to do that?  I can tell you why…. All above mentioned methods to get to the top will never make one ounce of positive change in someone else’s life. They’re never going to look back and say, “you know, that Bob was the best corporate ass I’ve ever known.” Or “Man, that John sure knew how to kiss a butt.” Or how about, “that Susan sure was a hard ass; her ass chewing’s changed my life.” Nope.  So, I take my biggest shortcoming and advertise it! I OWN it! And maybe, just maybe, someone will someday look back at me and think, “You know, that Kenny was an honest guy. He battled alcoholism and loved the Lord; he treated everyone equal, but spoke his mind, and he never pretended to be better than what he was.” No, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea; that’s for sure. But at the end of the day, I can look back and say, “I made that person smile, I listened when someone spoke, I shared a bit of the gospel as I understand it, I tried to make a difference in someone else’s life.”

Folks, that’s livin from reject to redemption…….. Get on board, or get out of the way. KV


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