Thursday, August 16, 2018

When The Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough, the tough hand it to God. Yep, I said it! Lord knows I was capable of shouting out in anger and frustration, throwing my hands up and saying “I quit.” I was the worlds worst at claiming the victim role, and placing blame where ever I could sit it other than right square in front of me. But, was that the Godly thing to do? No. Does that make me any less of a Christian? Not really. No, it’s not what Jesus would have done, but I am being molded by God daily, and I learn daily, and I improve daily, I am not as good as I want to be, but I am better than I was yesterday. Yes, I like to give advice about things I have experience with; but it is with heart, and conscious that I do so. See, I have lived a life I don’t suggest for others, and through me someone may be able to avoid the mistakes I made. I like to tell people like this: There are 3 ways to learn. 1) (A good way to learn) You can be taught – your teacher, professor, etc…. can teach you how to do or not do something, accomplish something, or figure something out. 2) (A better way to learn) Experience, try it, do it, fail at it, succeed at it, try it again, make it better, whatever you have to do to learn it, but this involves a lot of risk, and many trials. 3) (the most efficient way) Learn from someone else who has experienced it, someone who has tried and failed, then succeeded, maybe they never succeeded and you can improve upon it, but learn it through someone else’s experience and you won’t have to repeat their mistakes. My biggest mistake, not learning from my mistakes, not listening to others who had been down the same path --------- Thinking I was in control of my life, living for ME, taking the high road for my sake, avoiding the broken road for safety sake, flying under the radar to not be seen. I had to be broken to be made, stretched to capacity to bounce back, hurt to be healed, and rejected to be redeemed. It doesn’t have to work like that for everyone. So, if you find any comfort in my words, or take any suggestions from someone who lived at rock bottom, if given the chance………………………………. Give it to God, because through Him; ALL things are possible.

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