Thursday, August 16, 2018

Closed Doors

Ever arrive at a store before it is open, and the door is locked? Ever looked through that door and saw people moving around, but they don't come and open the door? God works in much the same manner. God opens some doors, and some doors are locked even though others are moving around on the inside. My advice........ If you come to a door, and God did not lead you there, and the door is locked; leave the door shut and locked; don't rattle the door, knock on the door in vain, don't try to find a key to unlock it, and please don't force your way through it (that's not God's timing). The door is closed and locked for a reason. Sometimes, you arrived too early, sometimes what is on the other side is being prepared for you, and sometimes the store is just closed for business. This is one of my biggest struggles. I always wanted to push my way through doors that God had locked; and I paid dearly when i made it in. Same way with re-building your life once you have given everything to God. It is a challenge for people understand that the "old you" is dead and gone, and only the "new you" remains. If you are not accepted for the "new you" and only judged by who you were, no amount of persuasion is going to change their mind; leave that door locked, it is that way for a reason. Your change will be seen in your actions, and not your words. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

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