Saturday, June 23, 2018

Thank you ALL.

      I just want Thank, collectively, everyone who sent me birthday wishes this year.  I am very grateful to have so many friends who took a little piece of their time, and spent it on me.  I will be the first to admit, I have not always celebrated my birthday, and was in a place in my life 3 years ago, I dreaded the event even come around.  It is amazing how sooo very many positive things have happened in my life since then.  I rededicated my life to Christ, got baptized, my friends have grown exponentially, Kaleidoscope has its own faithful followers, I married the most amazing woman, I am closer to my family, I have a yard full of ducks, chickens, turkey’s and geese, and I enjoy every single day, doing what I do.  Yes, I may be a year older, I may be a little slower moving, but I haven’t stopped living, and today I have more to be grateful for than I ever have had.  I can’t imagine where I would have been had God not delivered me from evil 3 years ago, and he still works on me today.  Older? How about “more experienced at life and love.” And I’m just getting started………………………………….

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