Thursday, August 16, 2018

Never Give Up

I get asked, from time to time, if I am planning on becoming a minister; and I can honestly say that “I don’t really know from day to day where God will lead me. But if that is the direction, then so shall it be.” I do know this……. Every once in a while I get this little voice inside of me that says: “write about this, or write about that, or someone needs to hear this, or you should talk about God here.” I also know that I have never felt this way before in my entire life, this full of Christ. Take today for example. I have this burning desire to tell someone “DON’T GIVE UP!” That’s right, just don’t give up. No matter how hard the trouble is, see it through to the end and you will be blessed. And there it is……. Is that message for me? Possibly….. I know I get down on myself from time to time, and wonder what I am doing; and then I think “Walk by FAITH.” But does everyone else know what it means to walk by FAITH? So, here it is. When God says “tell someone, DON’T GIVE UP!” I don’t question it, I don’t wonder who it is, or why should I write that…….. I come straight home and write it. See, I quit doing everything “I” thought was the right thing to do (Kenny’s way), and started doing things the way I thought GOD would want me to do them. I don’t give up anymore. Another example: I have this burning desire to start a Bible study in my hometown for whomever wants to join in; and when I run the idea past some of my local friends and say to them, “I am going to do a bible study in September, what do you think?” And I get the reply, “you should, it’s is a great idea.” And it’s not “I am thinking about starting one,” it’s I am GOING to start one, in September. What is the subject? I don’t have a clue! I will know it when God shows it to me (hopefully soon, I already have the location booked, lol) – THAT’S FAITH. It is SOOOOOO easy to take the high road, and say “I can’t do this, I can’t stop, this is not for me, I can’t handle this, or there is no way that will ever get done.” That’s Satan talking, that is him pulling at our FAITH, him telling us that we are incapable of accomplishing greatness, and it’s just not true. You can do this, you can do it because God has his hand on it. You may not see it at the time; but it’s there in every single situation. JUST DON’T GIVE IN, OR GIVE UP! –KV

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