Thursday, August 16, 2018

Life Stories

Funny thing about stories, we all have one. Good chapters, bad chapters, short chapters, and long chapters, but their all OUR stories. My story changed a while ago; and some think for the better, some indifferent, and some to their disbelief. Needless-to-say, it changed, and I changed, and I believe the change makes God happy. Yes, I still get down, I still let people get to me, I cry when no one is looking, and I get as mad as hell, but I keep writing my story because God tells me to. Yesterday, my story took an unexpected turn I wasn’t prepared for; I was caught off guard, and as badly as I wanted to throw my hands up and give up (old thinking); I reached down deep inside of me and tried to stay positive (new thinking). See, some people come in our lives for a paragraph, some for a chapter, some even stay for most of the book, but every once in a while you meet someone who is there just to teach you a lesson and leave, someone to learn from, and grow from, and move on. It’s hard to see it at the time, and yes, it hurts like hell, but it is necessary in order to grow. Today, I am content to turn the page, and put that in the history section. I move forward by the Grace of God, I harbor no ill will, I do not hate, but I will not re-write history.

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