Friday, July 6, 2018

Be careful how you judge.

     I often hear the phrase, “That child is so honest” or “That little one is just so loving.” Well, the truth of the matter is that the child has not had the experiences in life that an adult has had to compare circumstances with.  When we meet someone as adults; a crowd of people, or someone we don’t know, our brains immediately draw from past experiences and what we have been taught or told, and then makes a determination about how we are going to respond based on those past experiences, and learned behavior.  I wonder if we recognized that we were going to automatically make this decision based on the past, what we have been told or taught, and made a conscious effort not to make this determination, what would happen?  I mean, if we saw people for who they are today, and not for what they wear, who they “were,” what they drive, how many rings they had on their fingers, if they were a former alcoholic, or former drug addict, how would we respond to them?.......... It makes a difference.  People can change, people are not what they wear, people are not their past, people are not always what we are told, or what we are taught.  I wonder if we were nice to everyone FIRST, leaving out any noise from what we have been taught, told, or see; how many interesting personalities we would get to know?  Now, I’m not saying everyone is nice, and I am not saying that what you are being told is wrong, Lord knows there are people out there we don’t need in our lives. I am just saying give them a chance…………. You never know. Luke 6:37-38, NLT says: ““Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Just take a quick peek at the picture.  Do you see a man who is lost, battling addiction, just came out of a horrific marriage, and was laid off from a good job?  Do you see someone who is unhappy, done with life, at the end of his rope, and doesn't believe going on is a option?  Do you notice that behind that smile, there is someone crying for help, uncertain what what the future holds, or what he could have done different? Or do you see a friend, a person you once knew, someone that has been away for a long time that may be different than the young man that moved away?  Be careful when you judge based on what you have heard, what you have been told, or on what the person has done in the past.  You never know when it's going to be your turn to be judged. KV

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