Thursday, August 16, 2018


This is the fifth time in 24 hours I have seen “FRIENDSHIP” posts cross my radar (including my own), and I felt like it was important to “talk about the elephant in the room.” Friends are crucial in life. However, the older a person becomes the more appreciated the friendship becomes. Many friends are closer than siblings to each other. There is truly something special about having a friend around to tell your inner most thoughts too, someone you can share your life with. Proverbs 27:10 says, “Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family.” And, Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Also, We can outgrow friends, friends can go in different directions in life, friends can adopt different values, and beliefs that are not true to our own. Friends can change, just like we can change. Let’s face it, my values today are different than my values of a few years ago. Then there is the time we have to let a friend go because no matter how much hope we hang onto, and how hard we try not to accept it, the people we used to call friends, just are not our friends anymore (hurts, but it's a fact of life). I’m very lucky…….. I have been blessed to have many many friends. They are not all the same, we don’t always see each other, we don’t agree on everything, we may not even have the same views; but they’re still my friends – if you are reading this; I probably put you in the friend category, if you’re not reading this, it’s because I practice what I write. PS, just because someone smiles at you and calls you friend, doesn’t mean they’re your friend, it just means they are friendly (HUGE DIFFERENCE).

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