Monday, June 18, 2018


     Are you lost? Are you reading this because you know there is more out there to life, but don’t know how to get it? Are you stuck in the house because going outside and facing reality is more than you can handle?  Have you lost friends and family because you have an addiction problem?  Or are you one of those who doesn’t have a problem?  It’s everyone else’s problem……. You are losing everything in life because of everything else except addiction?  Maybe this doesn’t apply to you, you are only reading this because it’s a stupid opinion, and you just can’t tear yourself away from reading it? Or could it be YOU. Could it be you have had a lot of loss in your life, and you resolve to extinguish the pain by self-medicating?  Here is some news I want you to hear, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!! No, you are not alone.  There are millions out there with a story much like yours, but not yours.  Some stories are less severe, and some stories are worse.  Some stories of addiction come from the walls of rehab, and some stories come from the wall of prison, and yet some are carried to the grave too soon.  Some people never tell their story, others shout their stories at the top of their lungs – but no one hears it.  Is this you?  Are you reading this right now because you have lost you? Addiction is cruel, it makes you question yourself, question others, it makes you question life – and your place in it.  Addiction is not fun, and getting drunk or high is not an enjoyment, it is a necessity.  As your body shakes, your head hurts, your hands tremble, and your thoughts wander; you begin to wonder if this is all there is to life.  Is this you? Is this all that’s left? You look around to find your friends, but the only friends you have are users and have no intention of helping you quit something they are addicted to as well.   Have you reached the “I don’t care” phase yet? I don’t care what others think, I don’t care how others see me, I don’t care that no one cares; I know who I am.  But do you? Do you know who you are?  Are you even you anymore? Who are you?  At first your addiction was a choice, something you enjoyed doing on the weekends, you enjoyed doing it with your friends; but that time has changed.  You do it when you are lonely……….. the drug has become your friend, it’s why you don’t need anyone anymore.  You are not you any longer, you are someone you never meant to be, someone you said you’d never become, someone who laughs at death because you can see death from where you are sitting.  But again, I say to you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You still see your friends having fun, but they too are where you are, they just don’t speak about it.  They too see death from where they sit, but do not talk about it.  Addicts are lonely, the loneliest people I have ever known, yet they will deny it, stating they have friends, their friends listen to them.  Your right, they listen to you, because they live the same lie you do and their best friend is their addiction. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, seek help – you have to want to start living and want stop dying.  Questions? Ask someone who has scrapped their teeth on rock bottom and lived to tell about it.  I don’t want to tell you my story, I want to help you write a new chapter in yours. TEXT (618) 203-4072, visit, check out, and if you don’t do that…………………………… DO SOMETHING!

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