Friday, June 15, 2018

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits.
Pastor David Rogol writes, “The apostle Paul calls Timothy his ‘dearly beloved son’ (2 Tim 1:2). There is something special about this relationship between these two Godly men. It seems that Paul was a sort of spiritual father to Timothy and, thus, a father/son-like relationship developed. But Paul led numerous people to a saving belief in Christ, not just Timothy. Nevertheless, Paul calls Timothy his ‘dearly beloved son.’ So there was something special here. They were kindred spirits.”  When I think of Kindred spirits, I think of someone whom I met and almost automatically I have a connection with on level you don’t typically have with a complete stranger.  A person with whom you are drawn to, have a connection with, and relate to on a completely different level than a friend; perhaps even on a spiritual level.  I believe a kindred spirit could be your wife or husband, but I do not believe it is kindred spirits have to be in a romantic relationship.  Personally, I have a few kindred spirits, and the ones I do have already know who they are; and therefore there is no need to point them out, and THAT is the benefit of a kindred spirit.  The connection is on a whole other level.  Pastor Rogol goes on to talk about finding your kindred spirit; but I am under the belief that your kindred spirit will be delivered to you, and you will know when it happens.  I think you should embrace kindred spirits, and believe that nurturing the relationship between the two of you could be most enlightening.  Personally, I believe kindred spirits can come into your life to stay, and then there are kindred who come to visit; possibly at a time in your life that you needed that relationship, that closeness, that few others can fulfill. I am lucky…… My wife is ONE of my kindred spirits.  It’s not like she knows what I am thinking all the time, but there are times when I need her closeness, and then she calls, writes me a note, and puts her hand on my back to let me know she is there just when I need it.  So, if you have a kindred spirit, keep them close – they can be a true blessing.  Do you have a kindred spirit?  How does that relationship affect your life?

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