Monday, June 18, 2018

Life is not easy

If you haven’t heard yet, let me, let you, in on a little secret.  Life is not easy, it is not a walk in the park, and you are not guaranteed ANYTHING.  And this is not for the faint at heart; but if you are called to work for God, it doesn’t get easier, it gets harder.  For the past 2 Sunday’s, in 2 different churches (not connected), I listened to 2 sermons with the same message.  Following Gods calling, and in this I can relate.  Every single day, “EVERY SINGLE DAY” I get this innate urge to put the computer away and go dig for jobs.  Having a job would be the easy solution to financial gain; and yet there is a voice that tells me to continue writing.  A calling? The more I work on Kaleidoscope, the more it grows and the more people it touches. Some of the people I get to know one on one, and others I only see by looking at website traffic.  God pulls us in many directions, it may be to serve as a nurse, to do good work by fixing the roads our loved ones travel, it could be to help feed those who need food, it could be to teach our children; whatever it is, there is a pull to do that work.  I am a recovering addict, and I can’t think of ONE reason I still walk on this earth other than to serve Jesus Christ.  Not one other reason makes sense. Every time I try a new job, I meet people who struggle through life with some sort of addiction, and I am able to speak to them.  Why? God saved me; and he wants me to show that others can be saved too; it’s as simple as that.  No, you don’t have to preach the word, you don’t have to become a missionary, you don’t have to spend the rest of your life working with those that have your same issues, but you do need to follow what God has planned for you (you will know it when it happens, it is not written on the a wall, but it will hit you like a ton of bricks).  No, there is no golden door pointing you in the right direction of happiness ever after, but there is a book, the Bible, that is there to guide you on your path.  Me, I do what I am supposed to do, and every day I come to my computer to spread the word that Jesus Christ lives, he guides me, HE SAVED ME, and although I may not understand every move, I know that he leads me.  No, life is not easy, and No it is not easy to walk in Faith; but when you get it, when you truly understand, you will never be the same.  You will never run from a challenge, you will drop to your knees and praise him in the toughest times.  If you want a piece of what I have, sobriety and peace, then get sober and walk with me.  Never give up on you, and never let anyone help you give up on yourself.  This side of life is not easy, but it is much better than it was. KV

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