Friday, July 13, 2018

Let it Go!, And Grow in Christ!

Wow! I just came to a revelation! A subject has been consuming my thoughts for almost a week now.  I have allowed it to eat up hours of my life in thought, and have not been able to think about anything else.  Someone was wronged, and it absolutely infuriates me!  First my topic was going to be on “being kind,” then I switched to a more psychological approach and was going to touch on “narcissism.” I had even thought about going biblical and quoting, then examining scripture.  While reviewing my Christian counseling books I opened a page with big bold letters and you know what it said? LET IT GO! Whoa…… I think I am getting this “stuff.” LET IT GO, AND LET GOD! Okay, I admit, this is not my typical response, or past response, but that’s what it is today. LET IT GO! Now I am a bit angry at myself…….. There is no telling how much time I gave this person, but God was working on ME, not them! WOW, just WOW! They’ll never listen to reason, so maybe they will listen to GOD!  So, keep in mind I’m growing in FAITH, here is my prayer. 

Lord, please show this individual a path to righteousness, give them kindheartedness, and understanding, show them a way of treating others the way they would like to be treated, we know that you did not allow exceptions in the bible for being unkind Lord, so please keep your hand on them during this transformation because we know it is your way, and not the way of the world, and God, please keep your hand on my friend, because TODAY they grow in their faith, through the example you have made me, Amen…………

It is good having a connection to the man upstairs, and I move another step forward.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

There's a better life.

When did productivity replace passion?  Really? When did we get so caught up in being popular
that we forgot about being kind or compassionate? When did nurturing our career surpass nurturing each other? I know big corporate business, I’ve seen every elbow rubbing, nepotism, “best friend” promoting, layoff sidestepping, self-serving agenda making, job category reorganization, backstabbing, ego boasting, idea stealing, metric altering, survey tampering, bunch of bull crap a large organization can throw at an individual.  Personally, I have been pretty darn successful in life working the ole corporate ladder; but you know what I talk the most about?  My shortcomings…… Why on earth would anyone want to do that?  I can tell you why…. All above mentioned methods to get to the top will never make one ounce of positive change in someone else’s life. They’re never going to look back and say, “you know, that Bob was the best corporate ass I’ve ever known.” Or “Man, that John sure knew how to kiss a butt.” Or how about, “that Susan sure was a hard ass; her ass chewing’s changed my life.” Nope.  So, I take my biggest shortcoming and advertise it! I OWN it! And maybe, just maybe, someone will someday look back at me and think, “You know, that Kenny was an honest guy. He battled alcoholism and loved the Lord; he treated everyone equal, but spoke his mind, and he never pretended to be better than what he was.” No, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea; that’s for sure. But at the end of the day, I can look back and say, “I made that person smile, I listened when someone spoke, I shared a bit of the gospel as I understand it, I tried to make a difference in someone else’s life.”

Folks, that’s livin from reject to redemption…….. Get on board, or get out of the way. KV


The songs title is “Ever Be” sang by Bethel Music, and written by Kalley Heilignethal is an Christian inspirational song that leads the singer over a melody of praising God by reminding us that his name should “ever be” on our lips.  But, it’s much deeper than that when you think about the words that make up this rocking Christian hit. The song speaks of a love like a ring of solid gold (never ending circle), love that is enduring through trials and tribulations, love that is faithful…….. The song continues by telling us the benefits of keeping his name on our lips, in our voice, and in our lives.  He makes us whole, shoulders our weakness, and strengthens us by lifting us up from the ashes of our lives, and dressing us in his light.  Kalley speaks about how the words just “fell out of her mouth.” Afterward, though, the Lord spoke to her about the song and that is when the real journey began. (Church Leaders, 2016 After a year, and a notebook full of writing towards this final song, she turn out a hit that show us how, no matter what battle we may be enduring, what path we may be on, or what trial we may be up against; God is good, is
always there, and his praise is ever on our lips.  I have to lift her up on how she came about this song as I listen to it.  This hasn’t always been the case in my life; but it is today.  I love to enjoy life, I love to laugh, I don’t try to take life too seriously – there are plenty of people out there that are eaten up with that.  Rather, I praise God for the gifts I receive, the prayers answered, and even the prayers that go unanswered.  His praise will truly ever be on my lips, just ask me…….

Friday, July 6, 2018

Be careful how you judge.

     I often hear the phrase, “That child is so honest” or “That little one is just so loving.” Well, the truth of the matter is that the child has not had the experiences in life that an adult has had to compare circumstances with.  When we meet someone as adults; a crowd of people, or someone we don’t know, our brains immediately draw from past experiences and what we have been taught or told, and then makes a determination about how we are going to respond based on those past experiences, and learned behavior.  I wonder if we recognized that we were going to automatically make this decision based on the past, what we have been told or taught, and made a conscious effort not to make this determination, what would happen?  I mean, if we saw people for who they are today, and not for what they wear, who they “were,” what they drive, how many rings they had on their fingers, if they were a former alcoholic, or former drug addict, how would we respond to them?.......... It makes a difference.  People can change, people are not what they wear, people are not their past, people are not always what we are told, or what we are taught.  I wonder if we were nice to everyone FIRST, leaving out any noise from what we have been taught, told, or see; how many interesting personalities we would get to know?  Now, I’m not saying everyone is nice, and I am not saying that what you are being told is wrong, Lord knows there are people out there we don’t need in our lives. I am just saying give them a chance…………. You never know. Luke 6:37-38, NLT says: ““Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Just take a quick peek at the picture.  Do you see a man who is lost, battling addiction, just came out of a horrific marriage, and was laid off from a good job?  Do you see someone who is unhappy, done with life, at the end of his rope, and doesn't believe going on is a option?  Do you notice that behind that smile, there is someone crying for help, uncertain what what the future holds, or what he could have done different? Or do you see a friend, a person you once knew, someone that has been away for a long time that may be different than the young man that moved away?  Be careful when you judge based on what you have heard, what you have been told, or on what the person has done in the past.  You never know when it's going to be your turn to be judged. KV

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Ever ask yourself, what if?  What if I would have taken that job? What if I were thinner? What if I would have continued my education? What if I never picked up that first drink, or did that first drug? What if I had never met him or her? What if…………? Truth is, we can ask ourselves, what if, about every decision we’ve ever made throughout life; but what does that accomplish?  We begin questioning ourselves, our actions, our lives, our goals, and our future.  We tug at the very seams of the fabric that holds us together, and that is faith.  Somewhere along the way we lost faith in ourselves; we listened to society and believed we had to look a certain way, act a certain way, earn a certain amount of money, have this number of children, be married to this type of person, have the perfect career and never ever be alone.  We lost sight of happiness, we let go of our dreams, and we followed what everyone else thought we should be, and not what we wanted to be. We stopped being comfortable in our own skin, and forgot how to love ourselves for who we are, and who God wanted us be.  If someone would have asked me 10 years ago where I thought I would be today; I would have been mistaken.  Life is not over because we made a bad decision, it’s not over because a relationship didn’t work out, and it’s not over because we became addicted to something, only God knows when it is over.  
      Personally, I had a very difficult time with not being in control, coming to doors closed, and seeing plans fail, but I had to look at closed doors and failures as blessings rather than setbacks.  I made plenty of mistakes along the road, but I have many life lessons that can be passed on to others in similar predicaments.  So, what if my road were different?  Well, it would be pretty hard to convince an addict not to use drugs; it would be difficult discussing how there is hope in the midst of depression, how God can ease anxiety, and how life can be found in loss. No, I don’t ask “what if” anymore, I trust in God’s plan, even when I don’t understand it (that’s FAITH).  I mean, “what if” it all works out? KV