Friday, December 7, 2018

Blessed beyond belief

Through the ashes, delivered from a life of pain, and hell bound ways precipitated by satan; God saved me, He saved me and set me free, and was kind enough to bless me with an amazing, God fearing, wife that my kids and I love and adore. To God be the glory for setting me free from a relationship and life that was killing me, delivering me from addiction, and planting me on the rock of His word and blessing me with salvation. Just because you are going through a storm, doesn't mean it is the end. If He's bringing you through it, chances are He is going to bless you with strength on the other side. Thank you Jesus for putting the RIGHT people in my life, and removing the wrong people. Today is yet another anniversary for a sinner such as I; a time of re-birth, a time to rejoice in freedom. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul when I didn't think I needed saving.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Preparation meets Opportunity:

Preparation meets Opportunity:
See, I don't believe in LUCK. Luck isn't just about being at the right place at the right time, but also about being open to and ready for new opportunities. Too many times, in the past, I chalked things up to "LUCK" where it was really God using preparation when it met opportunity. Ecclesiastes 9:11 (ESV) say's: "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all." meaning that you don't have to be rich, fast, or wise for preparation to meet opportunity. As I think back, I remember a time when Savannah and I were headed away from Virginia for the LAST time. I was on interstate 81 doing 75 mph, southbound, coming up on a tractor-trailer. I was in the "hammer" lane getting ready to pass the big truck when a flash of red caught my eye from under the trailer. The flash of red was a red car speeding up the on-ramp. Something said that the car isn't going to make it, you need to give the truck room; so I backed off the accelerator. At that moment the car slammed into the front fender of the big rig sending into a spiral across the front bumper of the truck and into my lane. Now, you talk about "Jesus take the wheel" he had it that day! See, the spun around in front of us (mind you, this is at 75 mph), and we could literally SEE the fear of both the passenger and driver in that car; we were that close. The car spun around my car much like you would see a gear move through another gear, but without touching. At the time, I chalked that up to luck, but now, as I reflect - God gave us the opportunity to get out of a bad situation, and he was prepared to see it to the end. So, the next time someone needs a quarter, and you happen to have a quarter, think maybe........ God has you prepared to meet an opportunity. -KV

Friday, August 24, 2018

Armor of God

Discouragement is right around the corner; be strong in your FAITH. Yes, FAITH is tested every single day; and usually when we least expect it, and from those who we thought would not test it. I work with some amazing people, people I rely on to keep me pointed in the right direction always. I have years, and years of experience of doing the wrong things, saying the wrong things, reacting the wrong ways, and thinking the wrong thoughts. But this is a different me, the old is gone and the new me is born. However, I have to stay focused to keep the devil at bay on a regular basis. If you do a job one way for 30 years, it does not necessarily mean you have to keep doing it that way for the next 30. See, doing something wrong for 30 years, doesn’t make it right, it just makes it habitually wrong. Change is not easy, it takes work, but if you continue having FAITH, you can persevere through the trials that will inevitably come. One thing to keep in mind; as you grown in FAITH the devil throws harder and harder struggles your way just to test your FAITH, and trip you up. Remember, Not today devil, Not today……. Put on your helmet of SALVATION, draw your sword of the SPIRIT, raise up your shield of FAITH, throw on your belt of TRUTH, adorn the breast plate of RIGHTEOUSNESS and march forward in the shoes of the GOSPEL – and prepare to FIGHT! Happy FRIDAY! –KV

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

parable of the Flood

A man gets caught by a flood and climbs to the roof and prays to God to deliver him, just then a boat comes by with rescuers in it offering help, and the man refuses stating "God will deliver him from the rooftop." The boat leaves, water rises, and the man climbs higher. Another boat arrives and offers him help, and the man refuses stating "No, God will deliver me from the rooftop." The boat leaves, the water rises higher, and the man climbs to the highest point of the roof. Yet another boat comes by and offers help, and the man refuses stating "No, God will deliver me." The water rises and sweeps the man away, killing him. He arrives in Heaven and asks God, "God, I prayed that you would deliver me, why did you allow me to drown?" And God replied, "I sent you 3 boats, and you refused to get in the boat 3 times." Moral of the story: Don't deny God's hand, his calling, or his help when he uses others to deliver his message ("parable of the Flood, unknown author). #Bereceptive -KV

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My attempt at Poetry

My attempt at Poetry: KV - Be kind 😊

My Time Had Come

The time had come for my life to pass
I'd given in to the broken glass
Shattered dreams were what I had
It was an end to all that's bad

I sat above that golden trigger
I knew quite well what it'd deliver
Mom and Dad were not my care
My family loved but I'd not dare

It's not for them, it's just my time,
Please dear God, change my mind
And then a voice spoke in my ear
"You called my name, and now I'm here"

It Said:
"My son, it's not your choice, it's not your time"
"Put down your gun, you've heard my voice, for you are mine"
"The chains are tight, or so they seem"
"But I'm the one who can redeem"
"Put down your gun, and raise your sword"
"We'll fight this fight, for I am Lord"
"You'll go home, but not tonight"
"for I have come to fight this fight"

But Dear Lord, do I deserve?
I believe in you but have not served
I tried my best, but still I caved
He replied "But now my son,"

-Kenny Verble

Managers Vs. Leaders

Not all managers are good leaders. I can pretty much teach anyone to be a good manager. In a nutshell, management is book smarts, product knowledge, organization, finance, resource management, and adherence to the company’s policy and procedures. As a manager, I don’t need to know about feelings, employee growth, employee relationships, respect, common courtesy, and believe it or not customer satisfaction (that is up to the people on the front line). As a manager, you are concerned with the bottom line, period; what makes money. Leaders are a different story; I can’t teach everyone to be a good leader. Leaders are concerned with feelings, employee growth, employee relationships, employee appreciation, respect, common courtesy, customer satisfaction, and customer appreciation. I can teach the basics……. But do you want to know where the root of a good leader comes from? It’s not the books…… It’s not written in a policy or procedure………. Good leadership comes from a caring HEART, a loving HEART – a respectful SOUL. Want to be a good leader, I have a perfect rule book; it’s called the BIBLE. See, Jesus was/is a good leader, and since one of the best ways to learn is by example, read the BIBLE – there is your policy and procedure. 1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” 1 Peter 5:3 ESV “Not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” See, a manager CAN be a leader, but not all managers are leaders, just like not all leaders are managers. Remember that, write it down, and believe it. Another point to keep in mind, a lot of a LEADERS work is done behind the scenes, and not prideful. –KV

Monday, August 20, 2018

In His time, not our time.

Not everything makes sense, as a matter of fact, I can think of MANY things that do not make ANY sense.  Take for example people who ride my butt down the road in the morning, then pass me at the most inconvenient time (like the gas station is selling its last soft drink) only to meet them at the gas station in a line waiting for a Slurpee. Really? We are all guilty of it I guess, I know I am.  We get in the Bible, we learn new things, we learn of FAITH, we learn of “Gods will” God’s plan, and the gracious gifts that abound when we follow Gods lead; but we’re Not Patient.  We want to get to the gas station quick, we want to be the first in line, we want to get filled up in the spirit first, And we want it NOW. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) says, “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Wait on the Lord……… Ecclesiastes 3 (NKJV) “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven “Everything Has Its Time, a time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.” A time for everything, but everything in his time.  My suggestion is to hurry up and wait! God has a plan, but it’s his plan, and in his time. Patience is the friend of humility and the opponent of pride. “The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit” (Ecclesiastes 7:8). It is the applicable attitude of the man to say, “God is sovereign, and I am not.” And it is not of our own accord, but “the fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22; 5:5). My prayer…. Lord help me to have patience, and not pride; Hope with endurance and Grace with Humility, amen. – KV

Sunday, August 19, 2018

"My Granny" - Amber T.

A post from a friend, Amber T. I am being graciously allowed to share with my followers.  Thank you Amber T. for sharing your strong FAITH.

I typically write a Sunday morning blog, but I don't believe I have seen a struggle put so eloquently in words, and from a friend whom is enduring her own heart break Journey with God at the helm. Thank you for allowing me to share Amber.

"In the past few days I have read this quote over and over trying to figure out why it keeps coming to me. Why am I being drawn to it? Today I figured it out.
The day my granny passed and I was driving in the car I prayed for God to help me understand this. So I started looking up bible verses an this quote wouldn’t get out of my head. See my Granny’s life was filled with so many burdens in the last few years. So many things out of her control. So as I read this

Sorrow may endure for a season, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psa.30:5) Keep your eyes on the Lord! Look forward to Heaven, and it will help you bear some of these burdens and trials that you're going through now when you realise these are only just for a moment! Now you see through a glass darkly, but soon it will all be clear and you'll understand. (1Cor.13:12) God's tomorrow is a beautiful place! You'll be with Jesus and all your loved ones, and no sorrow will be there, praise God! (Rev.21:4)

And it hit me today.
My Granny was ready to lay down her burdens.
And as much as I miss her I know she is at peace now. She may not have always had the perfect answers or been the typical Granny but she was mine and I thank God for the years he let me have with her. Until we meet again Granny, I love you.
Rest In Peace." - Amber T